25 October, 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Jagdish Vyas (KAUST PhD, 2017) who received a 2017 Student Presentation award from the Seismological Society of America (SSA)
19 October, 2017
Marie-Jean Thoraval, one of KAUST's very first PhD Graduates, has been recognized for his research at the School of Aerospace at Xi'an Jiaotong University.
18 October, 2017
Congratulations to Professor Jorge Gascon who has recently been appointed as Director of the KAUST Catalysis Center.
17 October, 2017
Congratulations to the Clean Combustion Research Center Team: Nawaf AlGhamdi and Mayadah AlHashem, from the chemical engineering program and Abdullah AlRamdan from the mechanical engineering program who have won first place in the MEPEC Technical Debates.
04 October, 2017
Fethi Khaled, PhD Candidate mechanical engineering, is this months recipient of the Physical Science and Engineering Division Outstanding Student Award.
20 August, 2017