May 2023
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Decarbonization becomes crucial activity that must be performed in collective manners by all the stakeholders in different fields. Decarbonization includes a massive adoption of renewable energy and also the conversion of carbonaceous fuels to non-carbon-based fuels. Among the promising candidates for non-carbon-based fuels, hydrogen and its derivatives play essential roles, due to their advantages of efficiency, technological readiness, and possible mutual conversion with/to other secondary energy resources. The utilization of hydrogen is not only limited to transportation sector, but also energy, industrial, and residential sectors. However, the hydrogen adoption faces some challenges, especially due to its low volumetric energy density and other characteristics during oxidation, including poor visibility, extremely high flame speed and temperature. In this talk, possible clean hydrogen production, storage/transportation, and utilization are discussed, covering the key technologies and policies in Japanese case. In addition, some research activities correlated to hydrogen being conducted in our laboratory, including chemical looping hydrogen production, metal-hydride based hydrogen storage, and hydrogen combustion simulation, are also introduced.
Dr. Aziz is currently an Associate Professor at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. He received B. Eng., M. Eng., and D. Eng. degrees from Kyushu University, Japan, in 2004, 2006 and 2008, respectively, in the field of mechanical engineering. He is the lab head of Energy and Process Integration laboratory, The University of Tokyo. His general research areas are advanced energy conversion systems. His research and lab (Energy and Process Integration Laboratory) focus on research topics related to hydrogen production, storage/transportation, and utilization, power generation, renewable energy utilization, process modeling, redox flow battery, and advanced utilization of electric vehicles. He has received several awards including Young Researcher Award from Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress in 2012, Outstanding paper award from Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan in 2013, Japan Institute of Energy Award for Encouragement from Japan Institute of Energy in 2016, and The Best Paper Award from Japan Society of Energy and Resources in 2018.