Congratulations Antonia!

03 May, 2021

KAUST Ph.D. Student of ERPE program, member of the Advanced Reservoir Modeling & Simulation Group supervised by Prof. Hussein Hoteit and ANPERCAntonia Sugar, wins the Young Presenters of Note of EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) for outstanding presentation at IOR2021.

EAGE aims to “promote the development and application of geosciences and related engineering subjects, to promote innovation and technical progress and to foster the communication, fellowship, and cooperation between those working in, studying or otherwise being interested in these fields.”


Before coming to KAUST, Antonia took her B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering at the Oil and Gas University of Ploiesti in Romania and her M.Sc. in Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria.